China Spring ISD Board of Trustees: October Meeting Summary

The China Spring ISD School Board met on Monday, October 30, 2023 at 6:00 pm. The meeting was eventful as the district highlighted October Faculty and Staff Award winners, reviewed 4-day instructional week survey results, received an update on the FIRST financial report, and participated in a presentation from China Spring High School CTE students.

Each month, faculty and staff are recognized for their outstanding contribution to the students at China Spring ISD. These educators are nominated by their campus principals and confirmed by the administration team. Educators are recognized at the School Board meeting and presented with a plaque. Read about our October Faculty and Staff Award winners here.

With the implementation of the 4-day instructional week, China Spring ISD leadership is committed to continued evaluation in an effort to gauge effectiveness. At the conclusion of the first nine weeks of school, the district surveyed educators, parents/guardians, and students about the 4-day instructional week. A summary of those results were presented at the meeting. You can view a copy of the survey summaries here.

 Public school districts are required to undergo annual financial audits and because public school districts are funded with public taxpayer money, these audits are rigorous. A representative from Pattillo, Brown, and Hill attended the meeting and summarized the results of the audit and the China Spring ISD School Board accepted and approved the report. You can access the complete financial report here.

China Spring ISD and other public school districts within Texas, receive a FIRST rating. FIRST stands for “Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas” and is the annual rating performed by the Texas Education Agency to test the financial performance of school districts. China Spring ISD has consistently earned the highest rating available since 2003. The district received a rating of superior for the 2022-2023 academic year. FIRST reports are available for public access. To view the FIRST report discussed at the October meeting, click here.    

A particularly exciting moment occurred when students enrolled in the Engineering-Tango Flight Career and Technical Education program provided an update on the Tango Flight build. China Spring ISD is the only school in central Texas to offer the Tango Flight program, providing students the opportunity to build a VAN’s RV-12 aircraft from scratch and eventually ride in the plane themselves. According to teacher, Jeff Bray, students at China Spring ISD are working ahead of schedule and are the first beginner school to not require any replacement parts. Working under the guidance of students, School Board Members had the opportunity to work on the plane at the meeting.

If you are interested in listening to the full October School Board meeting, you can access a recording of the meeting here. The next China Spring ISD School Board meeting is Monday, November 27, at 6:00 pm. Event details can be found here.