The China Spring ISD School Board met on Monday, February 19, 2024 at 6:00 pm. The School Board highlighted February Faculty and Staff Award winners, discussed the district’s Annual Performance Report, and interacted with students from the primary school.
Each month, faculty and staff are recognized for their outstanding contribution to the students at China Spring ISD. These educators are nominated by their campus principals and confirmed by the administration team. Educators are recognized at the School Board meeting and presented with a plaque. Read about our February Faculty and Staff Award winners here.
Students from China Spring Primary had an opportunity to showcase work from their specials programs. At the primary school, specials include music and physical education classes. For 18 years, China Spring Primary has hosted a Barn Dance. Students and families enjoy an interactive night, learning dances and singing along together. Music teacher, Niki Edwards, offered a glimpse of the annual Barn Dance during the meeting. Board Members paired with students, learning two classic line dances. Click here to view photos and video from the event.
Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Kristen Dutschmann, provided a review of the Annual Performance Report (TAPR). Based on student data from the 2022-23 academic year, the TAPR provides a range of information about academic performance. Every school district across Texas receives a TAPR and for transparency purposes, districts are legally required to provide a public hearing on this report. While the report is extensive, Dutschmann provided a summary of the data and reported students at China Spring ISD are academically out-performing peers in the region and state. The full report is posted on the district website. Click here to access the full report for China Spring ISD.
If you are interested in listening to the full February School Board meeting, you can access a recording of the meeting here. The next China Spring ISD School Board meeting is Monday, March 18, at 6:00 pm. Event details can be found here.