The China Spring ISD (CSISD) School Board met on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
Each month, faculty and staff are recognized for their outstanding contribution to CSISD students. These educators are nominated by campus principals and confirmed by the administration team. Educators are recognized at the School Board meeting and presented with a plaque. Read more about our October Faculty and Staff Award winners here.
Public school districts are required to undergo annual financial audits and because public school districts are funded with public taxpayer money, these audits are rigorous. A representative from Pattillo, Brown, and Hill attended the meeting and summarized the results of the audit. The report rendered the opinion that China Spring ISD financial reports are materially correct, according to accounting principles, and they offer the highest level of assurance to the School Board and district that there are no issues to speak of. The China Spring ISD School Board accepted and approved the report. You can access the complete financial report here.
All Texas public school districts receive a FIRST rating. FIRST stands for “Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas” and is the annual rating performed by the Texas Education Agency to test the financial performance of school districts. China Spring ISD has consistently earned the highest rating available since 2003. The district received a rating of superior for the 2023-24 academic year. FIRST reports are available for public access. To view the FIRST report discussed at the October meeting, click here.
A few noteworthy updates focused on Special Programs at the district. CSISD offers services for emergent bilingual students that provide a high success rate of language learning. At the end of the 2023-24 academic year, 14 ESL students achieved English proficiency. This year, 137 students are enrolled in ESL services, representing 21 different languages.
The district’s Gifted and Talented (GT) program was recently updated to meet new state standards, primarily adjusting language to include terms like “identification,” “professional learning,” “GT services,” and “placement.” A GT advisory board is also being formed to ensure continued excellence in serving our students.
The next China Spring ISD School Board meeting is Monday, November 18, at 6:00 pm. Event details can be found here.