CSHS Week at a Glance 2-3-2025

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Parent/Guardian NEWSLETTER

Good afternoon!  I hope that everyone is excited about the upcoming week.  This week several members of our FFA will compete in the McLennan County Junior Livestock show; I know they all will do a great job. Tomorrow, February 3rd, Progress Reports will be available through parent portal. If you have questions regarding your student(s)' grades do not hesitate to contact the teachers. Also, Monday night at 6:00 pm there will be cheer tryout parent meeting in the high school library. On Wednesday, February 5th, there will be a Class of 2029 Parent meeting to discuss graduation plans. The meeting will begin at 5:30 pm in the high school cafeteria. Saturday, February 8th, CSHS will host an Academic UIL competition. Finally, I want to share some awesome news. This past Friday, January 31st, Mrs. Harvey was named the Region 12 Secondary Counselor of the Year. This is a huge recognition for Mrs. Harvey.

Attendance Information:  If your student has been out sick, or they will miss for another reason please contact Ms. Ema Moes,CSHS Attendance Clerk.  Students can have up to four parent notes per semester.  One absence = one parent note.  I need your help with attendance as our campus attendance for this school year is well below where it has been historically. 

Dr. Notes:  As we get further into our year, I need parents and guardians help in ensuring that our students turn in Dr. notes when they have Dr. appointments.  If a student goes to an appointment and comes back the same day, or their appointment is at the end of a day, they can supply a Dr.’s note so the absence is excused.  Dr. notes can be emailed to Ms. Moes or faxed to 254-836-1418.

Counselor Information: Please visit the counseling and guidance page on the high school website: CSHS Counseling Website (Senior Hub)

2025 Junior ACT School Day: We will offer the ACT test for all juniors on March 25, 2025. The cost for the test is $40, which is due when signing up. To register, please click the link below: 2025 ACT Sign-Up. Additionally, a QR code will be available outside the counseling center for easy access. After you complete your registration, please make sure to visit the counseling center to submit your $40 payment. Payments can be made by cash or check.

Class of 2025 Cap and Gown Orders:  I want to remind parents of seniors about graduation caps and gowns.  These can be ordered through Herff-Jones.  If your student has not ordered yet, and has questions they need to visit with Mrs. Allen in the Counseling Center.  If you have questions please email Mrs. Candi Allen.

Class of 2025 Yearbook Senior Ads:  If your senior(s) would like an advertisement in the 2024-2025 yearbook the deadline to order is Thursday, February 13th.  Ads can be ordered through Jostens.com or the yearbook club at the high school.  If you have questions contact Mr. Cobey Riedell, CSHS Yearbook sponsor.

2025-2026 CSHS Cheer Tryout Information: There will be a mandatory parent and prospective cheerleader meeting on Monday, February 3rd, at 6:00 pm in the CSHS library.  Tryouts will be held on Friday, February 21st.  If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact CSHS Cheer Sponsor, Mrs. Jessica Chancellor.

Upcoming Events:
Monday           2/3       FFA: McLennan County Junior Livestock Show
Progress Reports Available in Parent Portal
Cheer Parent Meeting: 6:00 pm (CSHS Library)

Tuesday           2/4       FFA: McLennan County Junior Livestock Show

Wednesday      2/5       Faculty Meeting: 7:30 am or 4:10 pm (Library)
   FFA: McLennan County Junior Livestock Show
Class of 2029 HB 5 Parent Meeting: 5:30 pm (Cafeteria)                       

Thursday         2/6       FFA: McLennan County Junior Livestock Show

Friday              2/7       No School for Students and Staff: Office Closed                                FFA: McLennan County Junior Livestock Show

Saturday          2/8       CSHS UIL Academic Invitational Meet

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call or email me at Dr. Max Rutherford or 836-1771.

Max Rutherford, Ed.D.
China Spring High School